EEA Newsletter April 2015

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Pluralisation of Values

Thomas Bucher“The Plurality of Values will keep going up for some time. However, this trend is probably coming to an end in the next few years. The value competition through Islam might well result in a return to Christian values.” All the non-committal (“Anything goes,”) will be replaced by a new need for realness, for a coherent value system, for growing spiritualty (faith). Who will benefit? These were the words of a sociologist who spoke at a large gathering of church representatives in Zurich, Switzerland. I found this interesting and asked myself a few questions? Evangelicals are also affected with this pluralisation of values. When you look at studies you find Evangelicals often just a bit under the average. This trend of pluralisation of values is opposed but Evangelicals are also affected. However, as Evangelicals we should be trendsetters instead of just following trends. We should be good news people, giving perspective and direction instead of just opposing issues. In some places this happens. But the question is if we can positively be ahead of a coming trend? It is not about exploiting fears. It is about setting the trend, pointing out alternatives and presenting these alternatives in ways which are accessible and desirable to the people in Europe. And the second statement actually points towards more openness for realness and spirituality. The doors could suddenly be open. Who will benefit from this openness, this trend? I pray and work that Evangelicals will fully stand on the side of the One who has already set a very different “trend” and who wants to make all people benefit from it: the risen Jesus Christ. Wrestling, striving towards, praying and hoping together with you. thomas signature       Thomas Bucher General Secretary

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