PRESS RELEASE: Opening night for Hope for Europe Conference

  • In HOPE
  • October 8, 2018
PRESS RELEASE: Opening night for  Hope for Europe Conference

PRESS RELEASE: Opening night for the European Evangelical Alliance Hope for Europe Conference

(Tallinn) On Monday night, October 8th 2018, the European Evangelical Alliance (EEA) opened its Hope for Europe Conference in Tallinn, Estonia with 370 participants from 37 countries. Thomas Bucher, general secretary of the European Evangelical Alliance emphasized the network element of the conference. The participants will meet in 17 networks (such as healthcare, refugee ministry, or the European Freedom Network, a ministry helping women trapped in forced prostitution). Mr. Bucher called the participants to take advantage of the four day conference in order to search for answers to questions such as: How can evangelical Christians provide a spiritual response to the questions and needs of today’s Europeans? How and where can we use our diverse gifts, are varying interests and approaches to reach Europeans with the great news of hope in Jesus Christ?

Thomas Bucher, general secretary of the European Evangelical Alliance photo: EEA/ Christoph Grötzinger

Dr. Frank Hinkelmann, president of the European Evangelical Alliance, touched on the theme of the conference in his opening address: Unity in Diversity. Hinkelmann emphasized that what unites evangelicals is the unity in Jesus Christ who is the only way to salvation. He also called the participants to see the diversity of generations, cultures, denominations and their national backgrounds not only as enriching but also  as  an opportunity to stand up for sharing the good news of Jesus Christ through its manifold expressions across Europe.

Dr. Frank Hinkelmann, president of the European Evangelical Alliance photo: EEA/ Christoph Grötzinger

The annually presented Hope Award for special contribution made to the evangelical community in a specific area of ministry or country, was awarded this year to the Estonian Evangelical Alliance for their work in establishing Networks within Estonia.  

Thomas Bucher (left) presenting the Hope Award to the representatives of the Estonian Evangelical Alliance Indrek Luide general secretary (middle) and Peeter Võsu international relations (right) photo: EEA/ Christoph Grötzinger

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