Chairman: Mr. Graham Coyle Executive Secretary: Mr. Liviu Carpar

network website:

Short introduction

The European Education Network is led by the European Educators’ Christian Association (EureCA), which provides encouragement, equipping and a public voice for all Christian educators across Europe.  We are open to educators in any age-group and any European setting.

Our main activities are an annual conference, networking via social media and publishing occasional papers.


Having every child in Europe taught by a Christian teacher for at least a year of their lives.


We are largely a membership organisation but have also informal links with many other educational groups.

Prayer points

Let us pray

  • for all Christians in education across Europe to have increased intimacy with the Lord and increased courage for their situations

  • for more churches to realize the strategic influence of education for their families and their nations

  • for every child in Europe to have a Christian teacher for at least a year of their education

White paper

A vision to influence a generation

New resource available