“The Peace Between” Dialogue

General Information

These tips can help you host a successful Discussion Event.

For a Discussion Event to be a positive experience, we recommend the following steps:


  • Pray. If you expect there to be different perspectives amongst participants, pray specifically for peace.

  • Register to access the Film.

  • Upon receiving the email (generated by your registration), you can view the full film as well as three segments (Hungary, Denmark, and France). Determine if for your event you will watch the full film featuring all three relationships or if you will select just one of the relationships and watch that film segment.

  • Download the Event Materials, including the Discussion Guide and Prayer Points, in your desired language.

  • Familiarise yourself with the Discussion Guide and relevant background information prior to the event. The Guide provides an introduction to the project, tips for your event, instructions for use and many questions for discussion. Take time to review the questions and select the ones you feel best fit your audience and the section(s) of the film you will view together. Consider if your audience would be willing to discuss some more challenging questions in the Going Deeper sections.

  • Review the additional resources on this website to determine which will be most relevant for your audience. You can direct them to this section at the close of your event.

  • Give yourself enough time to promote this event and for people to put it on their calendars. Advertise the event as an opportunity to reflect and to share thoughts and feelings. If you are a church community, consider using the sermon we created to address the topic of displaced people during a service (perhaps on Refugee Sunday) and then invite people to the Discussion Event.

  • Consider inviting a displaced person to the Discussion Event if you believe this will help, not stifle, open conversation.

For the Discussion Event

  • Welcome all attendees and outline how you will use the time you have together. Let them know what they will be watching and how much time will be allotted for discussion afterwards.

  • At the beginning of the event, set rules for listening and potentially disagreeing. Prepare participants to come as listeners. Encourage them to respect one another even when their views differ. Make sure that the discussion is not dominated by only a few voices.

  • During the discussions, avoid pushing political lines or perspectives. Allow concerns about migration, asylum seekers, refugees, and displaced persons to be voiced. However, do not let the conversation steer into political debate. Keep the focus on whether a church or community can offer friendship.

  • As you go through the discussion questions, if it is obvious that all participants are happy to explore the idea of befriending someone who has been displaced, focus on the relevant questions in the Going Deeper sections.

  • End on a peaceful note. Watch the time and close on a positive note. Allow time to summarize the conversation and to pray. (There is also a Prayer Points document available on the Events Materials pages.)

  • Consider having a time for refreshments at the end of the discussion so that one-to-one conversations can happen.

  • Ask participants if they would like to provide you with their email address so that you can email them links to some of the additional resources you find helpful.

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Event Materials (18 Languages)

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This website and the discussion materials were created through a collaboration between:

The European Evangelical Alliance (EEA) brings together both the national Evangelical Alliances of Europe and a large number of pan-European mission agencies. Seeking Christ-like transformation in Europe, EEA serves as the dynamic centre for equipping and resourcing, the European wide trusted Evangelical voice, and the connecting hub for greater strategic impact. EEA powers the collaborative Refugee Campaign.

Courage for the Journey/NCM Central Europe seeks to be in solidarity with displaced persons who are traveling and settling across the Balkans, Central Europe, and Scandinavia. Partnering with other organizations when possible, we seek to fill the spaces that are often left untended, which leads to a diversity of ministry ranging from education, to integration, to aid, to faith conversations, and to the holy activity of simply being present with another person.

Refugee Connect was established in 2008 to connect local churches with ways to help refugees. By 2016, our focus was on the youth – particularly those traveling alone. Today, we work with churches, Christian NGOs and associations, and individuals across Europe that help refugee and asylum-seeking children and youth who travel alone (i.e., unaccompanied minors). In April 2017, we launched the Mobilised for Unaccompanied Minors (MUM) Network to connect these ministries, learn from each other, raise awareness, and develop programs and resources to address needs and fill gaps.