Doing politics “right”

Doing politics “right”

How should Christians “do politics”?


How should we behave when seeking to be salt and light in society?


This month, the European Evangelical Alliance is republishing 2 foundational documents which seek to answer these questions: EEA’s Socio-Political Approach and the Socio-political Code of Conduct, which summarises the Approach in a few key principles.


Why republish?


In the past 8 years since the texts were first written, it has been encouraging to see increasing understanding among Christians that engaging in politics and society is part of our Gospel witness. Our opportunities to be ambassadors of Jesus Christ in the public arena are growing. So getting it “right” is even more important.


But what does getting it “right” mean? And how might we get it “wrong”?


If we are Christ’s ambassadors, our task is to represent Christ as fully as possible. Representing Him in terms of what He would say and do. But also representing Him in how He would speak and get involved.  If we forget these imperatives, we risk creating barriers which could prevent people from coming to faith in Jesus..


We are thrilled that several Evangelical politicians have endorsed the theological principles and values in the Socio-Political Approach and Code of Conduct.


Frank Heinrich, Member of the German Parliament wrote


This document is very much how I want to be working and our service be recognized by our brothers and sisters throughout the kingdom of God. Very, very helpful. May it encourage many others to get involved in this area!”


We hope that EEA’s Socio-Political Approach and Code of Conduct will provide some theological principles for a new generation of Christians engaging in public life. May the Lord help us to honour Him as we remember 7 core values: Love, humility, truth, peace, courage, wisdom and hope.


EEA’s Socio-Political Approach


Socio-political Code of Conduct  

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