An update from the European Freedom Network

  • In NEWS
  • February 17, 2017
An update from the European Freedom Network
EFN is an EEA initiated network enabling the Body of Christ across Europe to respond to the evils of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. In January, the EFN core team looked back at last year and realised quite how far we have come. Strengthening the leadership and becoming a legal charity will enable progress on many levels. And the development of action groups has led to many more partners actively engaging. Here are some of the highlights.

EFN Core Team – January 2017

  The Prayer Action Group ran an online prayer and fasting day and has established a monthly prayer calendar for partners to pray for each other. The Prayer and Communications Action Groups developed the wonderful Don’t shut your eyes campaign   for Freedom Sunday and EU Anti-Trafficking Day. The awareness raising film, launched through a thunderclap, reached 100s of 1000s. The new website provides materials for both Christians and wider society. Increasingly churches are marking Freedom Sunday. The Training Action Group is planning the EFN Academy – an online space for regular webinars and other resources. In 2016, we had an excellent and popular webinar on working with refugees. The Refugee Action Group created resources for both human trafficking and refugee ministries on the overlapping issue of refugees in danger of trafficking. They are now developing research so that good practice can be learned… and passed on to EFN partners and refugee specialists. The Voice Action Group, focused on advocacy, has set itself many excellent priorities. The first it will work on is reviewing what arguments and language are most suitable for discussing prostitution and human trafficking in political circles. This will then be made known to all EFN partners. The Research Action Group promote research within the EFN community. It is working on a basic research skills guide that can be used by outreach teams.

Bridge 2017

Finally, planning Bridge 2017, EFN’s conference is on its way.  Many EEA members are part of the EFN community, understanding their role of helping the wider Church to respond to trafficking in prayer, prevention, advocacy and restoration of its victims. So we hope that you will join us in Berlin 16-20 October.

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