Good News People Action in Spain

As voters prepared to vote in local elections across most of the country, the Spanish Evangelical Alliance urged its members not just to vote but to listen to candidates, read their promises and consider carefully what model for society they were proposing. The Alliance encouraged Christians to consider whether candidates had the vision of well designed, neighbourly communities that would diminish loneliness and foster communication. The Alliance pointed out that, at municipal level, it is the individual candidate that becomes important, not just the party. Also at local level, there is far more access to politicians, and Christians should develop an ongoing dialogue with their political representatives, encouraging them, checking what they do, asking questions and making requests. When a candidate makes promises and is elected on the basis of these promises, there is a contract between politician and people.  Therefore, Christians should actively monitor what actually happens and take responsibility. “Corruption has developed at all levels, but in the municipal environment, it has grown uncontrollably” stated the Alliance. It encouraged its members not to be sceptical, nor permissive about corruption, nor to just have righteous indignation but actively to promote anti-corruption policies. The Alliance will be providing more resources on this soon. Has your Evangelical Alliance provided materials to help people prayerfully consider how to vote and to continue to be politically active?

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