Author's Posts

  • How safe is your church and your community?

    How safe is your church and your community?0

    Over the last few years, across Europe we have seen several attacks on churches and priests. And just recently, the offices of the Swiss Evangelical Alliance were adorned with graffiti protesting the SEA’s position on the right to life in Switzerland. Most of these incidents don’t make headlines so there might be examples of violence against religious buildings and communities in your neighbourhood as well.

  • Unlocking Expectations – Nourishing virtuous character in times of crisis

    Unlocking Expectations – Nourishing virtuous character in times of crisis0

    As part of our overarching communication theme of “Unlocking Expectations” in times of the pandemic in the second half of 2021, readers of the EEA Newsletter are being presented with a variety of perspectives on and experiences with the topic in several issues of the EEA Newsletter. We are very pleased that Marvin Oxenham has agreed to answer some of our questions.

  • Sparks of Hope in the Lives of Roma Women in Ukraine

    Sparks of Hope in the Lives of Roma Women in Ukraine0

    Twenty women and girls huddle together into a small Roma church in a Hungarian speaking village in Western Ukraine. Little babies nestle in the arms of teenage mothers, while grandmothers look after older ones. For a moment you might think you have come to a jungle, since the noise can be quite disturbing.  But little by little voices quieten and everyone finds their place.

  • Learning from Mushrooms

    Learning from Mushrooms0

    On a walk during our holiday, I suddenly saw what looked like a huge mushroom by the side of the path. And sure enough this was the case. It just so happened that the caretaker of our local church and his wife were nearby collecting mushrooms. They phoned and asked if we could have a coffee together. We invited them to our holiday place to have a meal of mushrooms together.