Author's Posts

  • Announcing Our Co-Host for HOPE 2022

    Announcing Our Co-Host for HOPE 20220

    Hope 2022 is getting closer and closer, and we are delighted to see how the multi-day program is getting richer each week. Hope 2022 is about great people with great stories, and that’s why our program in October focuses on how God moves people to transform our continent through their personal stories. With this newsletter issue, we are thrilled to announce that Mirela Popaja-Hadžić from Sarajevo will be our co-host during HOPE 2022.

  • East differs from West

    East differs from West0

    Raising one’s voice in a discussion or a confrontation in Switzerland can be interpreted as insecurity or not having self-control. This is not the done thing. In many Eastern European countries, it is the other way around. It is interpreted as insecurity when one does not raise one’s voice. Not speaking up strongly shows that I am not really convinced of my point of view.

  • On Family, Trust, and Religion

    On Family, Trust, and Religion0

    In September 2021, the decision was made to focus our EEA communications work in the first half of 2022 on the theme “East meets West – West meets East”. The aim was to create a platform for dialogue with our newsletters, particularly between Western and Eastern Europe, where we could hear one another, learn from each other and celebrate that together we are the Body of Christ in Europe. Never had we thought that this topic would get such a different connotation as it is the case now. Due to the current Ukraine war and many resulting encounters of people from Western Europe and Ukraine in host families, at work or in aid projects, the interview in this edition will deal with the understanding of family, trust and religion in the context of the UK and Ukraine.

  • Miracles in the Darkness

    Miracles in the Darkness0

    When Russia invaded Ukraine, churches all over the country mobilized to help those affected by the war. They evacuate people from war zones and provide food, water, medicine and other supplies, shelter, and spiritual and emotional support. Those who serve others often risk their own lives, but they have also witnessed miracles of God’s provision and protection in the middle of chaos. Following are some stories from one of the 13,000 Evangelical churches in Ukraine, in the town of Vyshneve near Kyiv.