Author's Posts

  • Overview of persecution of Christians in Latin America

    Overview of persecution of Christians in Latin America0

    In this article, I would like to introduce you to Latin America, a region that is not often considered in reports about persecution of Christians. Because it’s a majority Christian continent and most countries are democracies that have incorporated international provisions for religious freedom in domestic legislation, many assume there are no problems related to religious freedom.

  • Finding Hope During the Shoa: Maria Weinstein’s Story

    Finding Hope During the Shoa: Maria Weinstein’s Story0

    • NEWS
    • February 9, 2022

    Outside, she could hear the matches scratching. As the village around them exploded in flames, the Nazis attempted to set the last house alight. Within these walls, Maria Weinstein huddled in the embrace of her newly adopted family. There, amid the chaos, Jew and Gentile united as one family in fervent prayer.